Is It Time For An AC Repair?

If you have ever been stuck in traffic on a hot summer afternoon, then you understand the importance of a properly functioning A.C. In case your vehicle’s A.C. is not delivering the cold air that you need to be comfortable in hot sunny conditions, there could be a couple of things wrong. Your A.C. could be low on refrigerant, or your A.C. compressor could be faulty.

Each Car A.C. system depends on a steady flow of refrigerant to circulate through it. It is this refrigerant that lets the air conditioner produce the cold air that comes out of the vent in your cabin dashboard.

As long as your vehicle’s A.C. compressor is functional, you will have a steady flow of cold air flowing from the cabin vents. However, like any other component in your vehicle, your A.C. system can fail.

What Components Could Fail in My A.C. System?

The moment your A.C. systems begin to blow heated air, one side cold and one side warm, or the air smells a bit off, you could choose to roll down your windows and ignore or take a proactive step and repair it. The following components in your A.C. could need repair or replacement:

Car AC vents
  • Compressor: Your compressor is what sends low-pressure gas (refrigerant through the high-pressure condenser. The A.C. compressor pulley is always in constant motion, even when the system is not in use, and over time will wear out. Since it has a lot of moving parts, it is expected to break down after extensive use. A faulty compressor can break the serpentine belt leaving your car without a power steering pump functionality.
  • The Condenser: It is located between your vehicle’s grille and the engine cooling radiator. The A.C. condenser resembles a small radiator. It works by receiving high-pressure gas from the compressor, and exposes it to cool air from the grille, converting gaseous refrigerant to a high-pressure liquid. This high-pressure liquid is then sent to the expansion valve.
  • The Thermal Expansion Valve: High-pressure liquid from the condenser gets to this valve and becomes a cold low-pressure gas. The low-pressure condition creates a drop-in temperature. The cold gas is then sent to the evaporator.
  • The Evaporator Core: Just before cold air begins coming out through the car vents, it is normally pushed through the car evaporator core. Your A.C. evaporator converts this cold gas to a liquid that cycles back to the compressor to begin the entire process again.

Other Signs Your A.C. Is Malfunctioning Can Be In The Form Of:

  • Low refrigerant could also cause your A.C. to blow hot air. An A.C. recharge is advised in this case.
  • The condenser is broken or blocked. It means the refrigerant will only get to ambient temperatures by the time it gets to the vehicle’s cabin. As a result, the Car A.C. will only blow hot air.
  • The compressor could get punctured or blocked due to its position at the front of the car. Debris, grass, sticks, and leaves could get stuck, and all you need to do is a visual inspection to notice the punctures at the grille.
  • In case there is a puncture on the grille, your best option is to contact a professional mechanic such as one from AAMCO Minnesota car maintenance and repair center and request for a replacement.
  • A broken cooling fan could also force hot air to blow through your A.C. The fans could also fail due to a faulty motor.

AAMCO Minnesota: Keeping You Cool & Fixing Your Leaks

AAMCO Minnesota is a reputable leading transmission repair center in the entire region. We base our popularity on quality services, professional technicians, and state of the art equipment. We also offer other professional auto care services, including engine tune-up service, brake system car maintenance service, suspension system service, and many more.

In case you have a car A.C. repair problem, our technicians at AAMCO Minnesota will begin by checking the system pressures using specialized gauges. If the system is a little low, they will inspect for leaks. If your A.C. system is empty, we will refill refrigerant to help identify leaks.

Immediately the source of the A.C. leak is confirmed, our qualified technicians will pull apart the entire system and repair the leakage before refilling. In case your A.C. system has a failed component, our technicians will also replace it before refilling the refrigerant.

Don’t punish the occupants in your car this summer. Schedule your summer car care service early, and get the best out of this season’s travels!

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