Common Engine Oil Leak Causes

One of the most common and frustrating issues for car owners is an oil leak. They can be tough to find and when they go un-repaired, they can cause major problems for your car’s engine. When you have an auto oil leak, what are some of the most common causes? And how can you easily spot that you have car oil leaking? There are a number of ways to keep an eye on your engine oil, as well as key parts where a mechanic will start their search for an oil leak.

How Can You Check for an Oil Leak?

Luckily, your engine oil is one of the easier parts of your car to keep an eye on. There are a couple of key ways in which you spot an oil leak before it escalates and causes bigger problems for your car’s engine. Working on these habits can save you a lot of money down the road.

Draining oil

Start by Checking Your Engine Oil Dipstick

If you’ve ever had trouble with oil leaks in the past, you probably understand how easy it is to check the level of your engine oil. All cars will have a dipstick that can be used to see how much oil you have.

When your car isn’t running, pop the hood and look for a cap with what looks like an oil can on it. Near that, there should be a handle you can pull out, revealing a long, flat strip of metal. Use some paper towels to clean off any oil already on the dipstick and reinsert it. When you pull it out again, you should be able to see whether your oil is low using lines marked on the dipstick. If your oil level is low, it’s possible an oil leak is to blame.

Look for Spots on the Ground from Oil Drips

A surefire way to tell if you have an oil leak is to look for spots under your car where engine oil has dripped onto the ground. These spots will likely be under the front end of your car and should be brown-ish in color. Depending on the type and color of the surface on which you park, it can be difficult to tell much about the fluid leaking from your car but engine oil is the most common.

What Could be Causing Your Oil Leak?

Now you know you have an oil leak – which parts are likely to have a problem? Your engine is a sealed system, so any leaks should be addressed as soon as possible. Some are easier repairs than others but here are a few of the most common causes of a car oil leak.

Refill with funnel

Your Oil Filter is Worn or Not Aligned

A good rule of thumb is to have your oil filter replaced every time you get an oil change. Over time, they’ll wear out and accumulate extra sludge and debris, just as your engine oil does. Your oil filter can also come out of alignment or, if you recently had your oil changed, your new oil filter could have been aligned improperly when it was replaced.

A Bad Oil Drain Plug

When you get an oil change, the oil drain plug will be removed so that all of the old engine oil will drain out of your car. Over time, this plug can wear out – or it can be loose or misaligned after a recent oil change. This is a pretty common cause for oil leaks, as well as a very simple one to fix. It’s still a good idea to get it fixed as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

The Valve Gasket is Worn

Because your engine is a closed system, all of the seals and gaskets are important to keep in good condition. Over time, they’ll wear out from use and temperature exposure, as well as the buildup of sludge from engine oil. As the pressure in your engine increases, it can cause the gaskets to leak. If not addressed soon enough, the gaskets may break, resulting in major engine repairs.

Damage to Your Oil Pan

While driving, especially in rough winter weather or while off-roading where the underside of your car is more likely to get knocked, your oil pan may get hit. This can lead to an oil leak from either a hole in your oil pan or a dent that has caused a misalignment with your oil drain plug.

Need an Oil Leak Repair? Call AAMCO Minnesota Today!

Seeing spots under your car or notice your oil level is low? At AAMCO Minnesota, our trained mechanics are ready to help make a difference. Each of our locations is open, ready, staying clean, and providing for our local communities in need. Whether you need an oil change or an oil leak repair service, our mechanics have you covered. We’ll diagnose and fix any car problem you encounter so you can feel safe on the road again.

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