The fall is here! Each breeze seems to get cooler and colder, a constant reminder that winter is around the corner. This means it’s time for Fall car maintenance to prepare your vehicle for colder temperatures. The attention and care that you give your car during this season will help you sail through even the worst of winters with loads of confidence. Here are some key Fall seasonal car care tips;

1. Can Your Battery Power You Through the Cold Months?

Cold weather can make starting your car the most dreadful task. This is because low temperatures cause your car battery to work harder by slowing its chemical reactions. You can have the condition of your battery checked at AAMCO Minnesota, for a charge, loose cables, and signs of corrosion. You may need a new battery to sail through fall and winter without any hitches.

Jumping a battery

2. Are Your Brakes in Excellent Condition?

It’s critical that you have your brakes checked before progressing into Fall and Winter. An efficient braking system is critical for safe driving during cold weather. During wet weather, roads get more slippery from rain and snow. This is more the reason you need to ensure that your brakes are in perfect condition.

3. Are Your Lights In Great Shape?

For the next couple of months, you will experience less daylight. Make sure your headlights, taillights, brake lights, flashers, and the entire electrical system is in great condition. Replace broken and blown bulbs to ensure that you can illuminate the road ahead and are visible to others even during bad weather.

Dim headlights

5. Is Your HVAC System in Order?

It may not seem necessary to examine your HVAC when temperatures are plummeting. But it’s critical to note that this system not only cools and ventilates your car but also heats, cleans, and dehumidifiesheats, cleans, and dehumidifies the interior of your vehicle during cold weather. Not only is it essential for your comfort and that of your passengers, but also keeps your windows clear for better visibility.

6. Are Your Wipers Wiping Properly?

During Fall and as we progress to winter, you expect wet weather conditions. This means windscreen wipers sweeping back and forth for several months to make sure that you can always see the road ahead. But are your windscreen wipers working properly?

With time the rubber blades on your wipers will get worn. Not only will this prevent them from effectively wiping your windscreen, but can also end up leaving some ugly scratches. You can tell if your wiper blades need replacing by examining them for wear, damage, or bumps. Wiper blades are quite cheap to replace, so just pop into AAMCO Minnesota and get some new ones in a couple of minutes.

Windshield wipers

Visit AAMCO Minnesota For Seasonal Car Care This Fall

Change in season signals a change in your car maintenance scheduleto cruise through the season safely. Change in climate also affects how your car performs; hence seasonal car care is critical. Fall weather isn’t as extreme as winter, so this is the time for auto maintenance checks to save yourself major headaches during winter. Think of this as some sort of spring cleaning for your vehicle. At AAMCO Minnesota, we offer a host of services to ensure your car is ready for the cold months ahead.

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