Minnesota’s Top Brake Repair Service Providers

Most times you drive, you may not pay much attention to your brakes at all. When your car’s brakes are healthy, you’re able to just enjoy each drive and know that you’ll be able to stop your car when you need to. The right mechanic will help keep your brakes healthy so you don’t have to stress about possible brake problems – or even brake failure.

When it comes down to it, there are some signs you should look out for that indicate a brake problem, as well as certain brake services you should keep on your regular car service schedule.

Why are Regular Brake Repair Services Important?

Most importantly, regular and proactive brake repair services help keep you safe on the road. Worn, faulty, or failing brakes pose a big risk to both you and other drivers around you. When scheduled on time, brake services should prevent more serious brake repairs – or even accidents on the road. These services also tend to be quick, simple, and inexpensive when you have the right mechanic to help.

Take Advantage of AAMCO’s Total Car Care Services

At AAMCO, not only can our mechanics complete any brake repair your car needs, but our Total Car Care values mean we’ll also ensure other essential systems are running their best. Alongside your brake repair service, we’ll carry out our multi-point inspection to catch any other repairs that may be flying under the radar. You’ll drive away confident that your brakes – and every other key system in your car – are working their best.

What are the Signs Your Car May Need a Brake Repair?

Antilock braking system abs, closeup

As brake parts wear out, you’ll notice a few key signs you’re due for a brake repair service. Take note of when you notice any of these signs and how often. Depending on which part of your brakes is wearing out, you may notice difficulty braking, changes in how your brake pedal feels, or new sounds when braking. Any of these symptoms indicate it’s time to get your car to a trusted mechanic.

Squeaking or Grinding While Braking

Brake pads are built with plastic indicators to alert you when they’re wearing down. Once the brake pads are worn enough that the plastic indicator touches the rotors, you’ll hear a squeaking or squealing sound each time you brake. If you hear this sound, it’s time to schedule a brake pad replacement service.

If it progresses to grinding when you brake, it’s an indication that your brake pads are over-worn and there’s metal-on-metal contact between the calipers and rotors. At this point, your car will take longer to fully come to a stop and you’re likely causing damage to your rotors.

Soft or Spongy Brake Pedal

You’re aware of how your brake pedal typically feels – it should be firm when pressed to engage your brakes. Over time, this can change and your brake pedal may feel soft or spongy. Most commonly, this indicates a problem with your brake fluid, such as air pockets in the line. Schedule a brake repair service with your mechanic and they’ll likely either bleed your brakes or fully replace the brake fluid.

What Brake Services Could Your Car Need?

When you run into brake trouble or notice problems with your brakes, two common services are most likely to fix your car’s brakes. Luckily, these are also often inexpensive and quick brake repairs for a trusted mechanic to handle.

Brake Pad & Rotor Replacement

The most common brake service you’ll schedule as a car owner is a brake pad replacement. Most brake pads are made to last 15,000-30,000 miles, depending on what type of driving you typically do and what type of car you drive. Most rotors will last 30,000-70,000 miles depending on similar factors to the lifespan of brake pads.

Follow the manufacturer recommendations in your owner’s manual and keep an eye on brake pad wear to stay proactive about scheduling this brake service.

Brake Fluid Service

If you’ve dealt with a soft, ineffective brake pedal, you know a bit about why it’s important to keep up with brake fluid services. Air pockets can find their way into your brake fluid lines, causing a spongy-feeling brake pedal that’s also less effective. Most manufacturers recommend car owners schedule brake fluid replacements every 2-3 years. Check your car’s owner’s manual and follow your car manufacturer’s recommended schedule.

The Best Brake Repair in Minnesota is at Your Local AAMCO

The key to healthy brakes that keep you safe on the road is a mechanic you can trust with any service. Visit your local AAMCO and our expert mechanics will help ensure your brakes are working their best so you can get safely from point A to point B – every time. Give us a call today or easily schedule an appointment online.

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